Nothing says summer like strawberries and watermelon! This smoothie tastes so yummy and fresh! It’s naturally sweet and could even be dessert. While writing this post I actually stopped to make one for myself. It’s an easy way to enjoy a summer smoothie while getting in some veggies! I think it makes a good “starter” smoothie for anyone who is new to green smoothies or a way for picky kids to get their greens.
*WASH THE OUTSIDE OF YOUR WATERMELON!* Just like any other fruit or vegetable, a watermelon needs to be washed before you cut it. A watermelon grows on the ground in the dirt. There can be all kinds of bacteria and dirt on the outside of the watermelon. When you cut into it, the knife that touches the outside of the watermelon can contaminate the inside as you’re slicing. Since it’s not cooked, there is no chance for this bacteria to be killed.
If you want to learn more about my experience with green smoothies and why they’re so awesome, then check out my Why Green Smoothies? page.

Notes About Ingredients
Strawberries – Contain vitamin C, iron, and calcium and are full of antioxidants. The leaves and stems are edible. In other cultures they use the leaves in tea and are said to have a lot of medicinal properties.
Watermelon – Packed full of lycopene and vitamin C. Lycopene is an antioxidant linked to decreased cancer risk, helps keep the eyes healthy as we age and protects against heart disease. It also contains the antioxidant choline which is involved in muscle repair and maintaining cell structure. Watermelon is composed of over 90% water which makes it great for hydration!
Chia Seeds – Chia seeds have a lot of great health benefits. I add them because they actually help keep the juice and fiber from separating after you’re done blending! It’s a lot easier to drink this way!
My Normal Spiel
The point of green smoothies is to get more leafy greens into your diet without adding a lot of extra sugar or calories, and still have it taste good so you’ll want to drink it! This isn’t a meal replacement or protein smoothie. The amount of fruit you use may vary depending on the season and what the fruit tastes like.