When I think of what I want to drink on a hot summer day, it’s this smoothie! The watermelon adds natural sweetness while the mint adds fresh flavor. It’s hydrating and an easy way to get your greens in! It has a thinner consistency than the other watermelon smoothies I’ve posted and drinks more like a juice.
Herbs in general are an easy way to add flavor without calories to any recipe including green smoothies! The natural oils in mint leaves are what gives off that minty smell and flavor. Try this….pick a mint leaf and smell it. It probably doesn’t smell very strong. Rub the same leaf between your fingertips and now smell it. It should be very aromatic. Rubbing the leaf releases the oils giving you a greater smell and taste. This is why bartenders muddle mint when making a cocktail. 🙂
If you don’t have mint or don’t like it, basil will also work in this recipe.

*WASH THE OUTSIDE OF YOUR WATERMELON!* Just like any other fruit or vegetable, a watermelon needs to be washed before you cut it. A watermelon grows on the ground in the dirt. There can be all kinds of bacteria and dirt on the outside of the watermelon. When you cut into it, the knife that touches the outside of the watermelon can contaminate the inside as you’re slicing. Since it’s not cooked, there is no chance for this bacteria to be killed.
If you want to learn more about my experience with green smoothies and why they’re so awesome, then check out my Why Green Smoothies? page.
Here are some other green smoothies you may want to try!
Spinach, Apple, and Ginger Green Smoothie
Summer Strawberry Watermelon Green Smoothie
Summer Peach and Blueberry Green Smoothie